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can my furnace explode?

Furnaces are found in more homes than any other type of central heating system. Ironically, they’re also not well understood by the average homeowner, and that’s probably because they are so common; they’re easy to take for granted. You don’t need to be a furnace expert to have a good

heating question from an enduser

Question from an End-User. Good evening everyone! I'm hoping some Good Samaritan will take the time to help out with this if they have any thoughts. A little backstory. I pay significantly below market value in rent for my new-construction two-bedroom apartment. The property manager is absolutely terrible but the

furnace condensate smell

I'm a homeowner that has gone through 2 HVAC technicians in troubleshooting a condensate smell issue in my house with no luck. I'm looking for some insights on what to even try next to troubleshoot the problem. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance. About a month or so

carrier air filter merv rating

I just had a new Carrier 59TP6B060V171214 furnace installed with a 16x25x5 inch filter housing. What's the max Merv rating that the furnace could handle? I would like to use a Merv 15 filter if possible. Question from user zahna4 at hvacadvice at Answer: My recommendation would be to