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vacuum just the ac compressor

vacuum just the ac compressor

So I was tasked with doing a compressor swap the other day and I hate the burning off of the Refrigerant when I sweat it out. So I got to thinking.. if the compressor is bad, is it possible to use the true suction and liquid line ports to isolate the compressor and vacuum it down to avoid breathing in fumes? It was a Trane unit with the the other ports so I don't see why you couldn't. Thoughts?

Question from user GreyCap89 at hvacadvice at


Just don't sweat it out.

Cut the copper 6 in away from compressor. And get couplings for copper unsweat outside of the unit after is has been disconnected for a bit.

Answer from user NotTea99 at hvacadvice at

vacuum just the ac compressor