I went to recharge an empty system after vaccuum. Condenser kicked on blower and O.D. fan running. All is kosher except i cant get any more refrigerant than 5 lbs of r-410A.
I read online that after it is turned on creates head pressure. Is this what is happening? I tried babying it into the vapor side, but then THE WEIGHT WENT UP ON THE BOTTLE! I guess moving the refriegerant into the bottle.
Manufacturer calls for 11 lbs.
No faults on defrost board for any switches.
expansion valve is stuck?
Liquid line clogged?
Does running it while recharging(call for heat vs cold) make a difference.
Any help. Please, my girlfriend won't ever let me live it down.
Question from user tejedaj at hvacadvice at reddit.com.
By blocking condenser, you mean literally airflow?
Answer from user tejedaj at hvacadvice at reddit.com.